EcoPower Renewables

Powering The Future, Illuminating Today

Welcome to EcoPower Renewables and start saving on your energy expenses. Let us help you become energy independent without high upfront payments. Our cutting-edge solar systems bring sustainable energy solutions to your doorstep. Embrace a sustainable future with our innovative products designed to power your journey towards eco-friendly living.

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Reduce your carbon footprint and take control of your energy consumption, creating a positive impact on yourself and the environment.


Our product lineup includes top-of-the-range solar panels, solar batteries, and seamlessly integrated EV chargers, providing you with reliable, clean energy day after day.


EcoPower Renewables invites you to join on this transformative journey towards a world illuminated by responsible energy choices.


Imagine a typical four-bedroom family home in Manchester, utilizing 4,000kWh of electricity annually. With our cutting-edge 6kWp solar panel system paired with a 5.2kWh battery, this household stands to save an impressive £540 each year

Billing Transformation:

Previously, this Manchester household paid an average of £112 per month on their electricity bill. However, with the combined savings and export income from solar, this cost plummets to -£28 per month, turning your property into an income generator. Even after factoring in the £96 monthly payments for EcoPower Renewables, the total outgoing on electricity is reduced to just £67 per month, resulting in an impressive £45 monthly savings. Over the course of a year, your electricity expenses drop to £804 instead of £1,344, delivering a substantial £540 in savings

Eco-Friendly Impact:

Beyond financial gains, choosing EcoPower Renewables means reducing your carbon footprint by saving 1.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. Over the system’s lifetime, this is equivalent to offsetting 32 long-haul flights. Our calculations are based on the latest System Advisory Model (SAM), incorporating smart battery controls to maximize export savings. Additionally, we’ve used the Manchester-specific monthly and annual average figures to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Imagine a typical four-bedroom family home in Manchester, utilizing 4,000kWh of electricity annually. With our cutting-edge 6kWp solar panel system paired with a 5.2kWh battery, this household stands to save an impressive £540 each year

Billing Transformation:

Previously, this Manchester household paid an average of £112 per month on their electricity bill. However, with the combined savings and export income from solar, this cost plummets to -£28 per month, turning your property into an income generator. Even after factoring in the £96 monthly payments for EcoPower Renewables, the total outgoing on electricity is reduced to just £67 per month, resulting in an impressive £45 monthly savings. Over the course of a year, your electricity expenses drop to £804 instead of £1,344, delivering a substantial £540 in savings

Eco-Friendly Impact:

Beyond financial gains, choosing EcoPower Renewables means reducing your carbon footprint by saving 1.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. Over the system’s lifetime, this is equivalent to offsetting 32 long-haul flights. Our calculations are based on the latest System Advisory Model (SAM), incorporating smart battery controls to maximize export savings. Additionally, we’ve used the Manchester-specific monthly and annual average figures to ensure accuracy and relevance


We provide top-of-the-line solar panels and a cutting-edge battery for your home, all without any upfront cost. Our expert team ensures a seamless installation process.

Instead of worrying about fluctuating energy costs, you’ll pay us a fixed monthly fee. This simplifies your budgeting while maximizing your energy savings.

Our solar panels work tirelessly throughout the day, generating electricity even during the winter months. Any excess energy produced is intelligently stored in your battery for later use.

The EcoPower Renewables system is designed for efficiency. Any surplus electricity that you don’t use is automatically sold back to the grid, ensuring that nothing goes to waste

Whether you’re utilizing the solar-generated electricity for your home or earning income by selling it to the grid, the process is straightforward and efficient. This means you either benefit from reduced energy bills or receive payment for the excess energy produced.


Need to speak to a member of our team about our services? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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